What Is A Great Personal Finance Plan For Investing For Retirement?
For some retirement may seem like it is a long way off. For others retirement may be rapidly approaching. No matter how close it is, now is the time to start investing. With the stock market on the rise again, it may be years before you will have an opportunity like you can have now. So how do you get started? You cannot save for retirement. The cost of living and inflation will always out run any small amount of interest that you might earn. Social Security will continue to be unstable with many doubts to how long it will last. Investing is the only way you can create enough money to enjoy your golden years. Things have changed; years ago you could count on working for the same company for many years. They would offer you a great retirement plan and a gold watch. Now company retirement plans are insecure at best and nonexistent at the worst. The best scenario with a company retirement plan is if they offer a 401k with matching funds of any type. This will leverage your dividends ...